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The Zev Project begins with the story of Zev, a baby born at just 23 weeks gestation, which is under the current age of viability for sustaining life outside the womb. In it, we navigate the long and miraculous journey from Zev's birth through our time in the NICU. It is a story of survival, surrender, and hope. After sharing Zev's story, we aim to expand to include other stories of resilience and hope in order to provide encouragement and support for those who need to believe that the impossible is possible and that whatever today holds, it is not the end of the story.

Welcome to The Zev Project.


We’ve launched a nonprofit called 4those that helps families who have experienced the journey of extreme prematurity find hope and healing.

Check us out and follow along as we build something truly incredible!

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Stephanie lives and writes in Northern Colorado, and often finds herself podcasting in her closet, as it is one of the few places in her house that her four kids can’t seem to find her.

Contact Stephanie for more info.